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How to write content : tips & tricks for web content writing

How to write content in 2022

Some of you might have seen articles on websites. But did you know what is the real purpose behind those free content articles? They’re not only made for educational purposes, but also for marketing. One of the keys to success in digital marketing includes web content writing. It’s an approach of building brand preference and credentials. Web content writing is the first step of a marketing conversion funnel that can bring potential customers to get to know your brand before they decide to purchase a product.

You may have an idea why effective web content writing is essential in digital marketing. The next question would be ‘how can I make the target audience like my content?’. Of course there’s no such thing as a shortcut or timesaving approach on how to write content. However, we would like to show you tips & tricks that will help you write effective content in this article.

Use a catchy headline

The research shows that 80 readers out of 100 read only the headline of the article, while 20 people still continue reading the whole page. It’s significant to use catchy headlines because that’s the very first thing your target audience will see. They will decide whether your article is relevant to them or satisfies their needs. Put a keyword which relates to the main idea of the article. And convince the readers to stay with an eye catching sentence. You can increase their curiosity with phrases like ‘...you must know’ or ‘why do you have to…’. People like to share what they think will be beneficial to other people. 

How to write content

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Another tip that will help you with writing better content is to always asking yourself ‘If I were those readers, what would draw me in this article?’ There's a high chance that your content has been written by other websites already. So, you need to stand out in the crowd. Try to use catchy headlines which include a question, problem, or number. For example;

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Match content to your target audience

The headline is the cherry on top of the desert. It can truly sell your content. But that’s not the most important component of web content writing. It’s what’s inside that matters! It is better to design your content especially for your target group and not for everyone. Let’s take a look at two headlines below.

How to edit photos VS. How to edit product photos for online selling

Notice that these two headlines have different target audiences.

How to write content

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Always keep in mind who your target audience is. What you’re delivering should match their needs. Moreover, avoid using technical terms in your article. Staying simple is the best.

Give them solutions

Imagine a scenario where you’re trying to search ‘how to edit pictures for an online store’. You finally found a website and you hope it’s what you’re looking for. Unfortunately, it turns out to be an article about how to start an online store. That’s a whole different story. Nobody wants to get bamboozled like that. You should provide beneficial solutions that your target audience wants to see when they visit your website. Otherwise, you will easily lose your potential buyers.

How to write content

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Write content that gives your readers a solution which is based on what they searched for. Use keyword research tools to discover what your target audience is interested in. There are several great websites available like  Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, Keywordio, etc. to help you find out.

To write effective content, try adding a case study or an inspirational story to support the solutions that you presented in the article. Well, this might be a time-consuming task. When your content actually attracts the audience, then it’s worth the effort.

Review and revise

The last tip that we recommend you to do after finishing writing content is to review. Simply take a look at your own work again and revise it. Even professional writers do that. Then, ask someone to be your another pair of eyes for proofreading. No matter how awesome your content is. If it’s full of typos, your audience might get annoyed and exit your website eventually. 

How to write content

Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

Effective content writing can turn normal site visitors into your potential customers. You shouldn’t just publish any content, but it’s important to produce high-quality content on your website.